021 263 2633 brent@safework.nz
 I was wondering when a case like this would become before the courts. In this instance a company supplied a 2nd hand tractor to a farmer, not having determined the cause of a known brake issue beforehand.
Section 42 of the HSW Act is clear about supplying plant. “The supplier must, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that the plant, substance, or structure is without risks to the health and safety of persons”
A farm worker was seriously injured – including the de-gloving of her left leg and multiple broken bones. The company was ordered to pay compensation of $90,000. It will be fined for the offence at a later date.
Please, dont wait for something to go wrong before you take action. Nobody wins in this game.
Take 5 minutes of your time now and read what you need to have for H&S in 2018.